Music Monday: Five fun ways to incorporate music into your day today:


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Here are five fun ways to incorporate music into your day today:

  • Make and play your own musical instrument
  • Create a play using finger puppets or stuffed animals to act out a favorite song
  • Have a dance party! What a great way to get some movement into your day, giggle a little bit, and have some summer fun!
  • Play “Name that Tune.” Hum, whistle, or tap a familiar song and see if your child can guess the tune.  Then switch roles to see if you can guess the song your child is humming. 
  • Exploring the moods of music can be paired with art, dressing up, and movement.  Develop a playlist that includes a variety of music that conveys different moods. Consider classical music, jazz, hip hop, rock, ethnic music, etc. Children can begin to understand that feelings can be expressed in music.  You can discuss how the different music makes them feel. And then, you can have the child:
    • Make art that conveys the different feelings inspired by the music
    • Use props and costumes that remind them of the music, or
    • Express the feelings they have through dance and movement

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